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Local Affordable Private Lab Testing
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(561) 712-0855
West Palm Beach, FL    Click here for Locations

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4350 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Phone: (561) 712-0855
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm

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4206A Northlake Blvd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: (561) 624-0055
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm

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1676 S Congress Ave
Palm Springs, FL33461
Phone: (561) 323-2114
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm
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  • Se Habla Espanol
  • No Doctor’s Order Needed
  • Work-friendly Hours, Including Saturdays
  • No Insurance Needed
  • Confidential and Anonymous
  • No Insurance? No Problem!™
  • Most Results In 24 – 48 Hours

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Lab Testing

Convenient, Affordable, Professional Lab Testing On Your Terms!

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Why Drug Screening?

Because America’s drug problem is much bigger than most people assume. Here are some facts:

  • 60% of the world’s illegal drug market is in the U.S.A. (with 6% of the world’s population);
  • Over 20 million Americans use Marijuana;
  • An estimated 6 million Americans use Cocaine;
  • An estimated half a million Americans use Heroin;
  • An estimated 13 million Americans are alcoholics;
  • Almost 1/3 of Americans between ages 20 and 40 have used an illicit drug once in the past year.
  • Almost 1/2 of Americans Entering the work Force have used an illicit drug once in the past year.

And don’t forget drugs are abused by people from All walks of life. 65% of people who use drugs earn $25,000 or more annually. 76% of all illegal drug users are white; 12% are black; 8% are Hispanic. No industry, occupation or school system is immune.

Did You Know That:

  • 76% of Drug Users are Employed
  • 2.5 Times More Likely to be Absent for 8 or More Days
  • 5x More Likely to File Workers Comp Claim
  • 3.6x more likely to injure themselves or others at work
  • A lawsuit due to an employee’s drug abuse problem can cost an employer his or her business
  • One in twelve employees report current use of illicit drugs
  • Did you know that drug users are responsible for 35% of all workplace absenteeism and 40-80% of all theft
  • Substance abuse is the cause of 40% of all injuries and deaths within business across America
  • Each substance abuser costs an employer an average of $11,000 each year

Drug Testing will:

  • Reduce Insurance Premiums
  • Reduce Employee Attrition
  • Increase Worker Productivity

A Drug Free Workplace has many advantages:

  • Avoid Hiring a “PROBLEM” Employee
  • Reduction in Worker’s Compensation Premiums
  • Containment of Health care Costs
  • Reduced Absenteeism
  • Reduced Theft
  • Increased Morale & Productivity
  • Bid on State and Federal projects which require bidders to show they are a Certified Drug Free Workplace

“Don’t Take the Risk. Protect Your Business and Test Your Employees.”

As an employer you can test your employees in different ways.

Here are some of the most common options.

Pre-employment Drug Testing

These tests are done as a condition for hiring. An applicant must pass the drug screen before they officially become an employee. Sometimes these tests are done prior to the offer. Other times they are done shortly after they begin working.

Random drug testing:

Random drug testing is the most effective format. In the USA, random drug testing is used by a growing number of corporations, drug rehab centers, prisons, the military, police and fire departments, government agencies, and more recently, schools. Currently, this method is used in 23 of the 50 United States.

The objective of a random drug test is deterrence, as the threat of detection is much higher versus other testing methods. The goal of random testing is to discourage drug use among employees, inmates, or students by not telling anyone who or when or where they are to be tested in advance.

In addition, random testing is more likely to catch cannabis users, since THC metabolites are fat soluble and have a longer duration in the body than those of many other drugs

Post-incident drug testing:

Post-incident drug testing is a less commonly administered test compared to the other two, but the financial ramifications of not testing employees after an accident (or other incident) on the job makes this test worthwhile for most businesses. The point of this test is not necessarily to cause the employee to lose his or her job, but rather to protect the company from liability in the event that the individual is under the influence at the time of the accident. DUI testing would also fall into this category.

We have different packages available for drug screening and background screening.

Set up an account and you will receive special discounts and a sticker, which states that you are certified drug free workplace by ANY LAB TEST NOW®.

Childhood Allergy Panel

Childhood Allergy Panel Cinnamon, Egg white, Soybean, Wheat, Shrimp, Peanut, Milk, Walnut, Pecan nut,Cashnew Nu

Allergy Panel, FL South of Orlando


Allergy Panel Seafood

Codfish, Crab, Shrimp, Tuna, Lobster

Why Get Tested?
To screen for allergies; sometimes to monitor the effectiveness of immunotherapy (desensitization) treatment

When to Get Tested?
When you have symptoms such as hives, dermatitis, rhinitis (nasal congestion), red itchy eyes, asthma, or abdominal pain that your doctor suspects may be caused by an allergy

Sample Required?
A blood sample drawn from a vein in your arm

Allergy Panel Salads

Tomato, Orange, Celery, Parsely, Lettuce

Allergy Panel Vegetables

Corn, Pea, White bean, Carrot Potato

Allergy Panel Cereal

Rye, Barley, Rice, Buckwheat, Gluten

Allergy Panel Insects

Honey bee, White-faced hornet, Yellow jacket, Paper wasp, Yellow hornet

Allergy Panel Animals

Horse dander, Cow dander, Pigeon droppings, Goose feathers, Chicken feathers

Adult food Allergy Profile

Egg white, Milk, Codfish, Wheat, Corn, Sesame Seed, Peanut, Soybean, Shrimp, Clam, Walnut, Scallop

How does it work

Now it’s easier than ever to check your Thyroid health.

Our comprehensive thyroid tests are considered to be the gold standard in thyroid function tests as recognized by leading medical societies including the American Thyroid Association, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Endocrine Society, and the Academy of Clinical Thyroidologists.

A full panel of thyroid tests is critical in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid conditions such as Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and Graves’ disease.

Step 1.
Choose from one of the 3 following tests:
Basic Thyroid Panel 1: $79

  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  • Total T4 (Thyroxine)
  • T3 Uptake (Triiodithyronine)
  • Thyroxine Index

Standard Thyroid Panel 2: $99

  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  • Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)
  • Free T4 (Thyroxine)

Complete Thyroid Function Panel 3: $189

  • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
  • Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)
  • Free T4 (Thyroxine)
  • Thyroperoxidase Antibodies
  • Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Step 2.

Visit our office Monday through Friday 8 am to 6 pm and Saturdays: 9 am to 2 pm.. No fasting required. Testing takes 5-10 minutes. Blood is drawn by one of our two experienced phlebotomists.

Step 3.
Test results will be available within 24 – 48 hours.
It’s That Easy!

Childhood Food Allergy Panel

Ninety percent of all food allergies are caused by six types of food: milk, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts and tree nuts. The Childhood Food Allergy Test can determine if your child is allergic to ten of the most common food allergies.

Hair Drug Screen

The Hair 5-Panel Drug Screen tests for the following drugs:

  • 1. Amphetamines (including Ecstasy)
  • 2. Cocaine
  • 3. Marijuana (THC)
  • 4. Opiates
  • 5. Phencyclidine (PCP)

The Hair 10-Panel Drug Screen tests for the following drugs:

  • 1. Amphetamines
  • 2. Cocaine
  • 3. Marijuana (THC)
  • 4. Opiates
  • 5. Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • 6. Barbiturates
  • 7. Benzodiazepines
  • 8. PXP
  • 9. Methadone
  • 10. Methaqualone

The Hair 5-Panel Drug Screen uses the only drug testing method available that will determine a drug usage history of up to 90-days. Compared to urine drug testing, hair testing is generally more accurate and because of its longer detection window, provides a lot more ‘positives.’ Even better, there’s virtually no way to taint a hair sample. Another benefit is that hair drug testing is forensically defensible – meaning, the results can be admissible in court.

The test is quite simple and non-invasive. An ANY LAB TEST NOW® associate will collect a sample of hair and within days, you will have the results.

Urine Drug Screen

Urine Drug Testing

Urine testing, one of the most common screening methods, is an accurate and reliable way to detect casual drug use that occurred within the past 72 hours.

The accuracy is of a urine drug test is dependent on how the testing is done. Drug testing is extremely accurate and reliable when all aspects of the testing process are done properly. On the other hand, the information obtained may be very misleading and inaccurate when poor procedures or testing methods are used.

Drug testing will only be reliable when the consumer knows how it should be done and then demands from the industry that it is done properly.

The staff at ANY LAB TEST NOW®® is fully DOT qualified and works according strict regulations. Every sample is sent out to a SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) certified lab to make sure that high quality testing is guaranteed. Urine drug screen are used for pre-employment drug screening, random drug screening and private drug screening.

The detection of a drug in urine is subject to the timing and doses taken. People who have used illegal drugs may allow their body to clear if they have enough time. That is why it is important not to notify the person to far ahead. Usually a limit of 24 hours is acceptable to detect most drugs. See Detection Time in Urine Table.

Drugs TestedAlso known As10
Panel Test
Panel Test
Detection Time in Urine
AMP AmphetamineSpeed
1 – 2 Days
BAR BarbituratesDowners, Barbs, Goof Balls, Reds,Yellow Jackets
 2 Days –
3 Weeks
BZO BenzodiazepinesBennies
 3 Days –
6 Weeks
COC Cocaine Coke, Crack, Rock cocaine
2 – 4 Days
MAMP Methamphetamine Speed, Ice, Chrystal, Crank
1 – 2 Days
MDMA 3,4
Ecstasy, XTC, ADAM, Lover’s Speed
  1 – 2 Days
MTD Methadone Fizzies
 3 Days
OPI2 Opiates Codeine
2 Days
PCP Phencyclidine 
 6 hrs – 2 Days
THC Cannabinioids / Marijuana Dope, Weed, Hemp, Hash, Colombian, Sinsemilla
2 Days –
2 Months

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