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Local Affordable Private Lab Testing
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(561) 712-0855
West Palm Beach, FL    Click here for Locations

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4350 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33409
Phone: (561) 712-0855
Mon-Fri: 8am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm

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4206A Northlake Blvd.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Phone: (561) 624-0055
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm

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1676 S Congress Ave
Palm Springs, FL33461
Phone: (561) 323-2114
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-6pm
Sat: 9am-12pm
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  • Se Habla Espanol
  • Call Now, 15 min In & Out
  • No Waiting, 15 Min In & Out
  • Personal Service
  • Accurate Results... Fast
  • Reliable, Convenient and Accurate
  • Confidential and Anonymous
  • DNA Lab is Accredited by AABB

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Customers Experience

My name is Stacie Roy and I visited "Any Lab" with my grandson "Tyson".

Unfortunately I doubted the paternity of my grandson due to the mother's infidelity early on in the relationship with my son. Coming to the lab was a very hard decision for me but a necessary one.

The medical assistant explained the easy procedure for both Tyson and me and within a week we had the results we had hoped for. I would recommend this lab to friend's and family.
Stacie Roy
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Ancestry Testing

Ancestry DNA Testing

Where did your ancestors come from? Records provide strong pieces of evidence and the internet makes it even easier to accumulate this information. Your DNA is passed down generation-after-generation, which is why you should consider the Ancestry DNA Testing as part of your genealogy research.

Ancestry DNA Testing is a recreational DNA test that gives you a general regional analysis of your ancestry. This test does not give you specific countries of origin, percentages, or tell you if you are of Native American descent. It is a lot of fun though, especially if you are a genealogy buff!

While it can’t provide you with your entire family tree or tell you who your ancestors are, DNA testing can:

  • Determine if two people are related
  • Determine if two people descend from the same ancestor
  • Find out if you are related to others with the same surname
  • Prove or disprove your family tree research
  • Provide clues about your ethnic origin


With a simple cheek swab, the Ancestry DNA Test from ANY LAB TEST NOW® unlocks the mysteries of your heritage by giving you a general regional analysis of your ancestry. With this simple DNA ancestry test, your DNA profile is compared against hundreds of global populations and fourteen anthropological regions whose collective genetic information is known and scientifically validated.

The lab then measures the likelihood that the genetic information is linked with each of those populations and regions, and plot the results on a very high resolution map which illustrates your unique geogenetic heritage from both a per-population view, and an overall regional view.

This test does not give specific countries of origin, percentages, or tell if you are a Native American descendant or of a specific tribe, and can only be used for informational purposes.


The process is very simple and easy. It starts by collecting epithelial (skin) cells from the inside cheeks of your mouth to obtain your DNA. Our professional medical assistant will rub soft swabs on the inside cheeks of your mouth and submit the samples for testing.

The lab measures your DNA individually against every population in their database, and mark how strongly your profile matched against each. On the population match map, each population has a shape which tells you which anthropological region that population belongs to, as well as a color to indicate how strong of a match you had with it.

There are 3 different test options:

Ancestry DNA Testing

(1) YSTR Male Lineage Testing

The Y-STR male lineage test is used to determine whether two or more males are related through their paternal lineage. The Y chromosome is passed from father to son and has a relatively infrequent mutation rate, thus it remains the same through many generations.

(2) X-SV Maternal Lineage Testing

The X-SV maternal lineage test is used to determine whether two or more people are related through their maternal lineage, or if male and/or female children have the same biological mother. The Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation is passed from females to their children and has a relatively infrequent mutation rate, thus it remains the same through many generations. (Males do not pass the X-SV they inherited from their mother to their children).

(3) DNA Ancestry Testing

With our DNA Ancestry test, your DNA profile is going to be compared against hundreds of populations and fourteen anthropological regions whose collective genetic information is known and scientifically validated.

Population Matches: Your DNA is compared against every population in our database. We measure the likelihood that your genetic information is linked with each of those populations and regions, and plot the results on a very high resolution map.

Native Region Matches: Not using any of our “dispersed population” regions, we determine which anthropological native regions you have the strongest links with. While the population match map holds data concerning recent migrations to North America, the Native Region map does not, and can be regarded as a more of a “Deep Roots” match.

In this set of calculations, we also specify five specific anthropological regions, which are in fact groups of dispersed populations. A dispersed population is one that has migrated from a native land to somewhere in the world.

At this time we have dispersed population data for African-Americans, European-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans and European-Australians.