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  • Hepatitis B                     $59

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    • Chlamydia
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    • Hepatitis B
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Hepatitis B

What is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is an inflammation of the liver and is caused by a virus called the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV). There are three different kind of Hepatitis each caused by a separate virus (A,B and C). Each type of Hepatitis is contracted through unprotected sex, contaminated needles or other causes. HBV is the one that is most likely spread by sexual activity. The Hepatitis B virus is passed on through semen, vaginal fluids, blood, and urine.

Hepatitis B can lead to liver disorders like liver failure, liver cancer and even death. About 50,000 people get infected with Hepatitis B every year and there are about 1 million in the U.S. with chronic Hepatitis B.

Common variations of Hepatitis:

  • Hepatitis A can be caused by contaminated food or water.
  • Hepatitis B can be contracted through sharing needles, having unprotected sex, or being exposed to infected blood from another person.
  • Hepatitis C can be spread by blood from contaminated needles during drug use or tattooing as well as by having unprotected sex.

Why Do I Need It?

Hepatitis B often has no signs or symptoms and many people who are infected with Hepatitis B are not aware of it.

If symptoms develop it is usually between six weeks to six months after the infection and can feel like flu symptoms including lack of appetite, vomiting, headache, and itchiness.

In a later stage symptoms may include more severe abdominal pain, dark urine, pale-colered stool or jaundice is a condition in which the skin and eyes can turn yellow.

If left untreated, HBV can cause liver damage, liver failure, liver cancer and even death. The virus can remain dormant in the body for years and cause no outward signs. Hepatitis B has a long incubation period (from 1 to 6 months) so if you test negative today, you may want to retest at a later date, depending on the date of exposure.

How do you get Hepatitis B?

The Hepatitis B can be spread through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and urine. This can happen when you have unprotected sexual intercourse or oral sex. It can also happen when you share needles or personal hygiene utensils such as razors or toothbrushes.

People who work in the health care industry are also more at risk because of accidental pricks with contaminate needles or surgical instruments.

A mother can also infect the baby during the birth process. 90% of all the children born to women with Hepatitis B will get infected. Immediate treatment of the baby can be very effective.
Women who are pregnant and might be exposed to Hepatitis B should therefore be tested before giving birth

Hepatitis B is spread by contact with an infected person’s blood or sexual fluids. This can happen during vaginal, anal, and oral sex or from sharing needles. People who have contact with blood, like healthcare professionals, or who share toothbrushes or razor blades with someone who is infected, are also at a greater risk for the virus. As this virus is spread through blood, people wonder if they can get it from a mosquito bite. The answer? No. There are no known cases worldwide of Hepatitis B spread through mosquitoes.

How do I get tested for it?

You come to our facility and our friendly, trained staff will gently draw a blood sample and send it out to the lab. Most results will be back within 24-48 hr. You can come and pick up your results, or we can or you can view your lab results online.

With your email address and random generated password you are also able to login into your account. The account gets setup during your visit once you let us know how you like to receive the results.

No need to pick up the results. You have access to the results at any time and any place.