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- Herpes I & II $59
- Did You Know?
• Genital Herpes will infect 25% of ALL young adults in the United States by the age of 35?
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• Chlamydia
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• Herpes I
• Herpes II
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This test screens for:
1. Herpes Simplex Virus 1
2. Herpes Simplex Virus 2
3. Antibody IgG
What is Herpes I & II?
Herpes is caused by a virus. There are two different forms of herpes: Simplex Virus 1 (HSV 1) and Simplex Virus 2 (HSV 2). HSV-1 is a common infection and can be caught easily. 70% of people have HSV-1 and came into contact with the virus from an oral infection as a child. The virus remains in the body for the rest of life though symptoms may be dormant, reappearing occasionally.
HSV-1 = Oral herpes
HSV-2 = Genital herpes, a sexually transmitted disease
The Herpes Simplex Virus I/II, IgG Test measures the level of IgG antibodies (your body’s immune response to the virus) in your blood. It is an accurate blood test because it tells you which virus the IgG antibodies are responding to. In other words, this test will tell you if you are positive for HSV 1 or HSV 2.
HSV-1 as HSV-2 can both infect the oral area. HSV-1 mostly infects the oral area and HSV-2 the genital area (near the sex organs). HSV-1 is more common than HSV-2 and about 80% of Americans are positive for HSV-1. About 25% of Americans are positive for HSV-2. The CDC estimates that more than 45 million Americans have HSV-2. HSV-1 affect about 65% of Americans and usually it cause cold scores in and around the mouth. Many people are not aware they have herpes because they have never noticed or had any symptoms.
Why Do I Need It?:
Many people are not aware they have herpes because they have never noticed or had any symptoms. Either type of HSV may cause painful sores or may be unnoticeable. If you’ve had unprotected sex (including oral) with an infected person, or someone you suspect is infected, you may have been infected. It may take up to 3 months after becoming infected for HSV antibodies to show up in the blood. HSV-1 is more common than HSV-2 and about 87% of Americans are positive for HSV-1. About 25% of Americans are positive for HSV-2. The CDC estimates that more than 45 million Americans have HSV-2
In addition, some scientific evidence suggests that people with HSV are more likely to contract HIV and other serious sexually transmitted diseases. That’s why we offer a Comprehensive 8 STD Panel.
What are the signs or symptoms of Herpes?
HSV-1 causes sores in or around the mouth which can be painful. Usually these symptoms last for a couple of weeks and go away. These scores may come and go and it can take weeks, months, or even years before they come back.
HSV-2 usually causes mild symptoms that people may not be aware of or recognize. The most common signs of HSV-2 are sores on the vagina, vulva, cervix, penis, or anus. It can also cause a painful feeling when you urinate. These sores may come and go and it can take weeks, months, or even years before they reappear. Even if you have no signs of herpes, you can still have it. The only way to be sure is to get tested.
How do you get it?
Herpes can be spread by vaginal, oral, or anal contact, by kissing, and skin to skin contact. It can spread from one person to another or it can spread from one body part to another. Herpes can be passed on very easily, skin contact is enough, especially when the skin is cut, chafed, or burned, or has a rash or other sores. Herpes is the most infectious when the scores are open, moist, or fluid is leaking out.
You can get herpes from skin to skin contact, oral, vaginal, and anal sex. The easiest way for herpes to spread is when there is an open, active sore. But you can still get herpes when there’s no outbreak at all. We’ll say that again. You can still get herpes even when your partner is not having symptoms or showing any open sores.
How can I prevent getting herpes or spreading it?
• Don’t have sexually intercourse if you have signs of herpes, not even when you would use a condom.
• ALWAYS Use a condom between outbreaks.
• There is herpes medication which can help you reduce the risk of spreading herpes by 50%.
• Don’t touch your herpes sores, or the ones of your partner or of any other part of your body.
• Don’t clean or wet your contact lenses with your mouth.
• Don’t kiss other people if you have a cold score.
How Do I Get Tested for Herpes?
Come to our facility and our friendly, expertly trained staff will gently draw your blood and send it out to the lab. Most results will be back within 24-48 hour
You can come and pick up your results, you can view your lab results securely online.
Set up an online account with your email address and a randomly generated password during your initial visist to login to your secure account. Let us know how you like to receive the results.
No need to come in to pick up the results. You have access to the results any time and any place.