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Hair Drug Screen

The Hair 5-Panel Drug Screen tests for the following drugs:

  • 1. Amphetamines (including Ecstasy)
  • 2. Cocaine
  • 3. Marijuana (THC)
  • 4. Opiates
  • 5. Phencyclidine (PCP)

The Hair 10-Panel Drug Screen tests for the following drugs:

  • 1. Amphetamines
  • 2. Cocaine
  • 3. Marijuana (THC)
  • 4. Opiates
  • 5. Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • 6. Barbiturates
  • 7. Benzodiazepines
  • 8. PXP
  • 9. Methadone
  • 10. Methaqualone

The Hair 5-Panel Drug Screen uses the only drug testing method available that will determine a drug usage history of up to 90-days. Compared to urine drug testing, hair testing is generally more accurate and because of its longer detection window, provides a lot more ‘positives.’ Even better, there’s virtually no way to taint a hair sample. Another benefit is that hair drug testing is forensically defensible – meaning, the results can be admissible in court.

The test is quite simple and non-invasive. An ANY LAB TEST NOW® associate will collect a sample of hair and within days, you will have the results.