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Cholesterol / Lipid Panel

Test Components:Price: $59

This Lipids Panel includes the following tests:

  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL
  • LDL
  • HDL/LDL Ratio
  • Triglycerides


The Lipids Panel can determine if you have abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. These are important because they can also help you and your doctor determine if you’re at risk for heart disease or another coronary (heart) illnesses.

Cholesterol is fat that is produced by the liver. It can also be obtained from foods like cheeseburgers, pizza, etc. There are two kinds of cholesterol – the good and the bad.

  • High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) = Good cholesterol.
  • Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL) = Bad cholesterol.

Basically, you want a high HDL and a low LDL (see below for optimal results.)

The Lipids Panel is a great panel to establish a “baseline” (an initial reading or level of results) and continuously monitor overtime to ensure healthy results and take necessary action at elevated levels.

When all of these tests are evaluated together, your physician can determine if you would benefit from a cholesterol maintenance medication. If you’re already taking cholesterol medication, your doctor may require a more detailed test from ANY LAB TEST NOW® such as the Cholesterol Medication Maintenance Panel before a refill can be completed.

Why Do I Need It?:

Is your heart healthy?

Measuring your Total Cholesterol and other levels is one method to detect whether you’re at risk for heart or coronary artery diseases, among others.

Test Details:

Normal ranges can depend on sex and age. Below are the ranges for a healthy adult.

Total CholesterolDesirable levels are less than 200 mg/dL
Borderline normal levels are 200‐239 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol Desirable levels are 60 mg/dL or above
LDL Cholesterol Optimal levels are less than 100 mg/dL
Near Optimal levels are 100‐129 mg/dL
Borderline normal levels are 130‐159 mg/dL
TriglyceridesNormal levels are less than 150 mg/dL
Borderline normal levels are 150‐199 mg/dL

High Results Indicate:

TOTAL CHOLESTEROL: High results are values over 240 mg/dL. These results may indicate that you have a problem processing fats and could indicate that you may have a higher risk for heart disease.

HDL CHOLESTEROL: High results are values less than 40 mg/dL. This indicates that you may not have enough good cholesterol to balance out the LDL cholesterol.

LDL CHOLESTEROL: High results are values over 190 mg/dL. These results may indicate that you have a problem processing fat and could indicate that you have a higher risk of heart disease.

TRIGLYCERIDES: High results are values between 200 and 499 mg/dL. Very high-risk values are over 500 mg/dL. These results may indicate that you have problem processing fat and could indicate that you have a higher risk of heart disease.

Low Results Indicate:

Typically, there are no low results for these tests. However, some doctors treat low HDL. Ask your doctor if necessary.