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Ova and Parasite Exam

The stool ova and parasites exam is a test to determine the cause of prolonged diarrhea and/or other intestinal problems. In the laboratory, stool is examined for the presence of parasites or eggs (ova) and when found they will be identified.
Why Do I need It?

When you have signs of a parasitic infection such as prolonged diarrhea of unknown cause and/or you have blood in your loose stools, or other intestinal problems you should be tested to identify the cause.

STD 8 Test Panel, Comprehensive

Click Here for 8 STD Panel

Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum With Total

The Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum with Total Test will determine the level of testosterone (free and total) in your blood.
Testosterone is a hormone (commonly produced in males, but is also in females in small amounts) that affects sexual features and development. Testosterone levels explode in men after puberty and continue to rise until 40 years old.
Overall, this test will give you a better understanding of how much testosterone is in your blood.
1. Testosterone Free
2. Testosterone Total

Why Do I Need It?:
If you’re taking steroids, a testosterone supplement, or any other anti‐aging medicine, you should consider Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum with Total Test. These supplements promote muscle and bone growth, but too much can affect your body in other ways.

Test Details:
Normal Range:

20-29 years9.3-26.5 pg/mL
30-39 years8.7-25.1 pg/mL
40-49 years6.8-21.5 pg/mL
50-59 years7.2-24.0 pg/mL/mL
>59 years6.6-18.1 pg/mL


AgeMale (ng/dL)Female (ng/dL)
1-5 mo1-1771-10


AgeMale (ng/dL)Female (ng/dL)
1-5 mo1-1771-10
6-11 mo1-101-10
1-5 y0-100-10
6-7 y0-200-10
8-10 y0-250-30
11-12 y0-3500-50
13-15 y15-5000-50

High Results Indicate:
MEN: High levels can indicate testicular tumors, adrenal tumors or anabolic steroid use.
WOMEN: High levels can indicate Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or an ovarian or adrenal gland tumor.

Low Results Indicate:
MEN: Low levels may indicate hypothalamic or pituitary disease or damage to the testes. It can also indicate testicular failure or infertility.
WOMEN: Women should have low levels.


The PT Test or Prothrombin Time Test is a blood test that measures how long it takes for blood to clot. It is mainly a test given to detect bleeding problems, monitor people taking anticoagulant medication, or for pre‐surgical workups.

Why Do I Need It?:

If you’re heading into surgery, your doctor or plastic surgeon will want to make sure your blood will clot and there aren’t any problems. It’s also used to find a cause for abnormal bleeding/bruising, to monitor how well your liver is working, and see if your blood‐thinning medicine is working.
Normal Range

No anticoagulant medications1.0 – 1.4
On anticoagulant medications2.0 – 3.0

High Results Indicate:
Elevated results are usually 2.5 – 3.5 depending on your medications. Elevated levels can indicate that your blood is taking too long to clot.

Low Results Indicate:

Low levels can indicate that your blood is clotting too quickly.

Liver Function Panel (Hepatic Function)

The Liver Function Panel (Hepatic Function) measures the blood levels of seven tests that you may want to check to see how well your liver is working. Your doctor may order it if you’re suffering from symptoms related to liver disease or if you regularly take medicine, which can affect the liver. This test is also recommended if you’ve been exposed to a Hepatitis A, B, or C virus.

Test Components:

This panel includes the following tests:

1. Total Protein
2. Albumin
3. Total Bilirubin
4. Direct Bilirubin
5. Alkaline Phosphatase
6. AST
7. ALT

Why Do I Need It?:

High or low levels in one of the seven tests in the Liver Function Panel (Hepatic Function) may indicate that liver damage or liver disease is present.

If you’re taking medicine or if you’ve been exposed to hepatitis, this test is typically recommended by your physician.

Hemoglobin A1C

The Hemoglobin A1c Test is a valuable measure of the overall blood glucose levels over a period of time (2‐3 months). This test can be used to help detect pre‐diabetes and diagnose diabetes. If you’re diabetic, this test can help determine if your disease is under control.

Why Do I Need It?:

Is your diabetes under control? With ANY LAB TEST NOW®, you can get this common and important test fast and without an appointment. The information from this test is vital for anyone managing their diabetes.

Test Details:
Normal Range:
Any test value less than 6.0% indicates that you are non‐diabetic.

High Results Indicate:
A high result (over 6%) could indicate diabetes mellitus, chronic hyperglycemia, the presence of hemoglobin S or the presence of hemoglobin C. Your healthcare physician must make the final diagnosis.

Low Results Indicate:
A low result (under 6%) could indicate high levels of hemoglobin F or improved the control of a diabetic condition. Your healthcare physician must make the final diagnosis.

CBC (Complete Blood Count) With Differential

A Complete Blood Count or CBC is a great test to take to give you a “snapshot” of your health. This test gives important information about the kind and the number of cells in your blood. Physicians use this information to evaluate symptoms, help diagnose conditions and treat certain illnesses (like infections).

The Complete Blood Count (CBC) measures:

1. White blood cell count.
2. White blood cell differential.
3. Red blood cell count.
4. Red blood cell density.
5. Hemoglobin levels.
6. Blood platelet count.

Why Do I Need It?:
The CBC is perfect if you…

* Feel fatigued.
* Think you have an infection.
* Experience difficulty recovering from infection or injury.
* Experience excessive bleeding or blood clot formation.

Having a CBC test is also a good idea if you have a personal or family history of inflammation, bruising, blood disorders or leukemia.

Test Details::
Normal ranges can depend on sex and age. Below are the ranges for a healthy adult.

Red Blood Cells4.2-6.9 million cells
White Blood Cells4,300-10,800 cells
Platelet Count150,000‐350,000 platelets
HematocritMale: 45‐62% / Female: 37‐48%
HemoglobinMale: 13‐18 gm/dL / Female: 12‐16 gm/dL

High Results Indicate:

RED BLOOD CELLS: The clinical term for high red blood cells is polycythemia. When the red blood cell count is elevated, the blood’s thickness is increased. This causes reduced blood flow and in some cases blood clots.

WHITE BLOOD CELLS: The clinical term for high white blood cells is leukocytosis. When the white blood cell count is elevated, it is an indication of infection. White blood cells, called leukocytes, fight diseases and infections in the body.

PLATELETS: The clinical term for high platelet counts is thrombocytosis. Having an elevated level of platelets does not always indicate a medical problem. Platelets can be elevated due to a secondary disease or disorder such as an inflammatory disease. Low levels may indicate possible bleeding

HEMATOCRIT: Elevated hematocrit levels are seen in people living in high altitudes, chronic smokers, and in cases of dehydration.

HEMOGLOBIN: Elevated hemoglobin levels are seen with several conditions, the most common being dehydration.

Low Results Indicate:

RED BLOOD CELLS: Low red blood cell counts are caused by blood loss, either chronic or acute. Acute blood loss is usually from an injury, trauma or surgery. Chronic blood loss is most commonly from small amounts of blood lost over a period of time.

RED BLOOD CELLS: Low red blood cell counts are caused by blood loss, either chronic or acute. Acute blood loss is usually from an injury, trauma or surgery. Chronic blood loss is most commonly from small amounts of blood lost over a period of time.

WHITE BLOOD CELLS: The clinical term for a low white blood cell count is leucopenia. This can result from chemotherapy, radiation or immune system diseases.

PLATELETS: Low platelet counts can cause abnormal and excessive bleeding

HEMATOCRIT: Low hematocrit levels can indicate anemia. Anemia can be caused by blood loss or a secondary disease or disorder.

HEMOGLOBIN: Low hemoglobin levels can indicate anemia as well as other conditions such as excessive bleeding, cancers affecting the bone marrow and kidney disease.

ABO Blood Typing and Rh Factor

The Blood Typing and RH Factor Test determines your blood type [either A, B, AB, and O] and Rh factor [negative or positive]. Did you know there are several benefits in knowing both? Blood type is determined by the types of antigens (or markers) on your blood cells. Antigens are proteins on the surface of your blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system – which is critical for fighting disease.
The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Red blood cells that contain protein are called Rh-positive and the red blood cells that don’t are Rh-negative.

Why Do I Need It?:
Do you know your blood type or Rh factor?
The benefits of knowing your blood type range from identification (blood is a powerful genetic fingerprint!) to nutrition (according to some studies, certain blood types break down foods better than others, allowing customers to better manage their health).
Knowing your Rh factor is just as important, especially for pregnant woman. The majority of people have a positive (+) Rh factor. If a woman has a negative Rh factor and her partner has a positive Rh factor, she is considered to be at risk because her baby will be Rh positive. During pregnancy, the blood supplies of the fetus and the mother are separate, but there are instances it can be passed through to the child. When the mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive, there is a possibility her body will treat the baby as a foreign substance and start attacking the baby’s blood. Medications can be used to prevent this from happening.”