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Date Rape Drug Testing

“That Day, somebody somehow slipped a pill into my wine glass at a dinner dance, and I left about three minutes before it really hit. In my attempt to walk home, I substantially overshot my house without noticing and could barely organize my limbs to turn back around. I spent the rest of the evening vomiting and trying to keep the floor from spinning away…”

What is Date Rape?

Date rape also occurs when one person forces another person to have sex. This crime is also a felony offense. The difference between rape and date rape is that in cases of date rape, the victim agreed to spend time with the attacker. Perhaps the victim even went out with the attacker more than once. Sexual assault is any type of sexual activity that a person does not agree to. It can include touching that is not okay; putting something into the vagina; sexual intercourse; rape; and attempted rape.

What are date rape drugs?

“Date Rape” drugs are hypnotics, sedatives and other types of medications that cause a person to have lapses in memory; loss of motor control, consciousness and/or inhibitions; and slurred speech. When mixed with alcohol, the affect of these drugs intensify. These are drugs that are sometimes used to assist a sexual assault. These drugs are powerful and dangerous. They can be slipped into your drink when you are not looking. The drugs often have no color, smell, or taste, so you can’t tell if you are being drugged. The drugs can make you become weak and confused — or even pass out — so that you are unable to refuse sex or defend yourself. If you are drugged, you might not remember what happened while you were drugged.

Date rape drugs are used on both females and males.

The three most common date rape drugs are: Rohypnol, GHB, Ketamine,

Street Names for Rhypnol:
Roofies, Circles, Forget Pill, LA Rochas, Lunch Money, Mexican Valium, Mind Eraser, R-2, Rib, Roches, Roopies, Rope, Rophies, Ruffies, Trip-and-Fall, Whiteys.

Street Names for GHB:
Bedtime Scoop, Cherry Meth, Easy Lay, Energy Drink, Gamma 10, G-Juice, Gook, Goop, Great Hormones, Liquid E, Liquid Ecstasy, Liquid X, Salt Water, Soap, Somatomax.

Street Names for Ketamine:
Black Hole, Bunp, Cat Valium,Green, Jet, K-Hole, Kit Kat, Purple, Special K, Super Acid.

Rohypnol (chemical name: Flunitrezepam) is well known and is considered the date rape drug of choice for predators.

Ketamine (also known as Special K) and GBH (Gamma Hydroxybutyrate).

GBH is a derivative of a neurotransmitter that occurs in the brain but when the body produces too much of this chemical due to a metabolic disorder, developmental delays and seizures can occur. It was originally developed as a weight loss and body building drug until it was banned due to the extreme side effects and became known as a date rape drug.

Date Rape Testing Panels
It is imperative that any investigation into the suspected use of date rape drugs involve an immediate blood test, as waiting too long to test for the presence of drugs may cause false negatives, because these drugs are quickly metabolized and eliminated by the body. Trying to deduce from the symptoms whether or not date rape drugs have been used can cause false positives.
Urine test detects alleged drugs up to 5 days after the incident.
A hair test detects alleged drugs up to 90 days starting from 14th day on.

Basic Date Rape Panel Urine $239 , Hair $354

Tests for Rohypnol,GHB, Ketamine

Comprehensive Date Rape Panel, Urine $399, Hair $699

(Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault Test Panel) tests for Rohypnol,GHB, Ketamine, Other Hypnotics, Sedatives and Over-The-Counter Medications Known to Cause a Similar Affect.

What are the test options?

  • Blood (recent ingestion)
  • Urine (up to 5 days after the incident)
  • Hair (collected 10 – 14 days after the incident minimum)
  • Suspected glass or container in which the alleged drug was placed