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Saliva Drug Test

The Saliva Drug Test gives you instant results for the presence of 5 types of drugs with a simple oral fluid test. As explained in “Test Details” section below, the test values are set by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association or SAMHSA.

Why Do I Need It?:
There are a lot of reasons why you might need a drug test. Perhaps your employer has a drug testing policy, or maybe you’re being considered for a job and a pre-employment drug test is needed? Maybe your parents want to test you or you just want to know?
Get tested. It’s quick and easy and accurate.

Saliva Drug Test Details:

High results are indicated by the cut-off levels set by SAMHSA. If the drug metabolite level is higher than the cut-off level, the test result is positive. Below is an example of a 5 panel Saliva drug test and how long the drug can stay in your system.

Drug NameDetection Period
Marijuana (THC)14-36 hours
Cocaine (COC)24-36 hours
Opiates (OPI)24-36 hours
Methamphetamine (mAMP)24-72 hours
Oxycodone (OXY)24-36 hours
Benzo (BZO)24-36 hours