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Hormone levels decline as we age.
In women with menopause symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, mood swings, weight gain, low libido and hair loss.
In men, male menopause can cause weight gain, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass, and body fat.
Men or women experiencing these symptoms can find relief by replenishing these hormones using bioidentical (natural hormone) hormones to replace lower levels of female hormones like estrogen.
Before starting replacement hormone therapy or anti-aging therapy your doctor needs a base line of your current hormones levels.
Hormones are powerful and that is why too much or too little of a certain hormone can be serious. Laboratory tests are important to monitor the hormone levels in your blood.
Inadequate amounts of cortisol can cause nonspecific symptoms such as weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and abdominal pain. Sometimes decreased production combined with a stressor can cause an adrenal crisis that requires immediate medical attention.
Too much cortisol can cause increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, obesity, fragile skin, purple streaks on the abdomen, muscle weakness, and osteoporosis. Women may have irregular menstrual periods and increased facial hair; children may have delayed development and a short stature.
Why Do I Need It?:
To help diagnose Cushing’s syndrome (obesity, muscle wasting, and muscle weakness) or Addison’s disease (weakness, fatigue, increased pigmentation, among others).
The DHEA-S Test helps in evaluating your adrenal gland function.
Your adrenal glands are two small pieces of tissue that sit atop each kidney. They produce and release certain regulatory hormones and chemical messengers, one of which is Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate or DHEA‐S for short. It’s a natural steroid hormone produced from cholesterol and it purpose is to serve as a precursor to male and female sex hormones. This hormone is also associated with immune and stress response..
Results will depend on sex, age, and other disorders that you may already have.
Why Do I Need It?:
Some research indicates that DHEA-S may cause higher than normal levels of androgens and estrogens (sex hormones) in the body, and may increase your risk of prostate, breast, ovarian, and other hormone-sensitive cancers.
Other Relevant Tests:
Customers interested in DHEA-S often choose to upgrade to one of the following value panels, which include the DHEA-S: Growth Hormone Panel, Comprehensive Male Panel, Comprehensive Female Panel, Male Health Profile or Female Health Profile.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Age Range | Men | Women |
18-29 | 110-510 | 45-320 |
30-39 | 110-370 | 40-325 |
40-49 | 45-345 | 25-220 |
50-59 | 25-240 | 15-170 |
60-69 | 25-95 | ≤ 185 |
≥ 75 | ≤ 90 |
High Results Indicate:
Elevated results could indicate congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal cancer, or Cushing’s disease. Elevated levels of DHEA-S are not used to diagnose a specific condition; it usually indicates that further testing is needed to find the cause of the hormone imbalance.
Low Results Indicate:
Low levels of DHEA-S could indicate Addison’s disease or adrenal hypoplasia.
The Estradiol Test measures the amount of estradiol (a female sex hormone which is basically a form of estrogen) in your blood. The test will determine your estrogen status, evaluate your ovarian function and monitor the follicular development during ovulation. In men, this test is used to assess estrogen production levels.
Why Do I Need It?:
Are your ovaries functioning properly? Are you able to have children?
The Estradiol Test gives you a lot of information on your ovarian reserve (where your eggs are).
Other Relevant Tests:
If you’re interested in this test, you might also want to consider the Progesterone, Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Estradiol, and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) tests. If you want all of these and more, you should consider the Comprehensive Female Panel.
Test Details:
Men should have Estradiol levels lower or equal to 29 mL. In women, the level is determined by where you are in your menstrual cycle. Women’s ranges are below:
Follicular Phase | 70-400 pg/ml |
Mid-cycle Peak | 100-900 pg/ml |
Luteal Phase | 70-700 pg/ml |
Postmenopausal | ≤ 130pg/ml |
High Results Indicate:
Elevated levels could indicate ovarian tumors, adrenal feminizing tumors, liver disease or male gynecomastia.
Low Results Indicate:
Decreased levels could indicate ovarian failure or oral contraceptives.
The Estradiol Test measures the amount of estradiol (a form of estrogen) in your blood. This test will determine your estrogen status, evaluate your ovarian function and monitor the follicular development during ovulation. In men, this test is used to assess estrogen production levels.
Why Do I Need It?:
Are your ovaries functioning properly? Are you able to have children? Estradiol testing gives you a lot of information on your ovarian reserve (where your eggs are). Find out now at ANY LAB TEST NOW®.
Other Relevant Tests:
If you’re interested in this test, you might also want to consider the Progesterone, Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH), and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) tests. If you want all of these and more, you should consider the Comprehensive Female Panel.
Test Details:
Men should have Estradiol levels lower or equal to 29 mL. In women, the level is determined by where you are in your menstrual cycle. Women’s ranges are below:
Follicular Phase | 39mL-375mL |
Mid-cycle Peak | 94mL-762mL |
Luteal Phase | 48mL-440mL |
Postmenopausal | ≤ 10mL |
High Results Indicate:
Elevated levels could indicate ovarian tumors, adrenal feminizing tumors, liver disease or male gynecomastia.
Low Results Indicate:
Decreased levels could indicate ovarian failure or oral contraceptives.
The Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) indicates levels that determine if you’re approaching or have gone through menopause.
FSH is often used in conjunction with other tests (LH, testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone) in the workup of infertility in both men and women. FSH levels are used to help determine the reason a man has a low sperm count. FSH levels are also useful in the investigation of menstrual irregularities and to aid in the diagnosis of pituitary disorders or diseases involving the ovaries or testes.
Why Do I Need It?:
To evaluate your pituitary function, especially as it relates to fertility issues, gonadal failure, maturation concerns, or pituitary tumors.
Other Relevant Tests:
Customers interested in FSH often also choose Total estrogens, Estradiol, LH, Testosterone, Progesterone
Test Details:
Normal Range: Male 1.6-8.0 mIU/ml
Follicular Phase | 2.0-10.5 mIU/ml |
Mid-cycle Peak | 3.1-17.7 mIU/ml |
Luteal Phase | 1.5-9.1 mIU/ml |
Postmenopausal | 23.0-116.3 mIU/ml |
High Results Indicate:
Increased levels of FSH and LH are consistent with primary ovarian failure.
Low Results Indicate:
Low levels of FSH and LH are consistent with secondary ovarian failure due to a pituitary or hypothalamic problem.
Low FSH serum levels have been associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer.
Growth Hormone (GH) plays an important role in how your body uses food for energy.
Throughout the day, your GH levels fluctuate with exercise, diet, stress, and other factors.
Why Do I Need It?
If you’re taking a growth hormone supplement, you should consider this test to ensure there isn’t too much (or too little) in your blood.
Other Relevant Tests:
Customers who purchased the human Growth Hormone test also purchased the Comprehensive Male Panel or the Comprehensive Female Panel.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Men | less than 5 ng/mL orless than 5 µg/L |
Woman | less than 10 ng/mL orless than 10 µg/L |
High Results Indicate:
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE: Elevated levels may indicate gigantism, diabetes, kidney disease or starvation.
Low Results Indicate:
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE: Low levels can indicate dwarfism or pituitary failure.
IGF-1 can help diagnose the cause of growth abnormalities and to evaluate your brain’s pituitary function. It may also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for growth hormone deficiencies and growth hormone insensitivity.
Why Do I Need It?
If you’re taking a growth hormone, you should consider this test to ensure there isn’t too much (or too little) in your blood.
Other Relevant Tests:
Customers who purchased the IGF-1l also purchased the Comprehensive Male Panel or the Comprehensive Female Panel or the Diabetes Maintenance Panel.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Age | Male ng/mL | Female ng/mL |
16 to 24 yrs. | 182 – 780 | 182 – 780 |
25 to 39 yrs. | 114 – 492 | 114 – 492 |
40 to 54 yrs. | 90 – 360 | 90 – 360 |
55 + yrs. | 71 – 290 | 71 – 290 |
80 yrs. | 1 – 71 | 1 – 71 |
High Results Indicate:
INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR-1: Elevated levels may indicate an increase in growth hormone production or pituitary tumor.
Low Results Indicate:
INSULIN-LIKE GROWTH FACTOR-1: Low levels of IGF-1 can indicate a deficiency of growth hormone or sensitivity to growth hormone. It can also indicate a decrease in pituitary function, anorexia nervosa, chronic kidney or liver disease or high doses of estrogen
The Luteinizing Hormone or LH Test measures how much of the hormone is in your blood. The LH is produced by the pituitary gland in both men and women.
In females, this hormone helps regulate the menstrual cycle and egg production. It is common to see LH levels rise and fall during the monthly menstrual cycle. It is also useful in the production of estrogen and progesterone.
In males, LH is responsible for the release of testosterone (which plays a role in producing sperm).
Why Do I Need It?:
The LH Test can help men and women in a lot of ways, such as helping find the cause for the couple’s infertility or help evaluate a man’s sperm count or a woman’s egg supply. It can also give insight on puberty, menstrual cycle issues, and ovulation timing, among others.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Men’s levels should be between 1.5- 9.3mL. For women, normal levels depend upon what stage of the menstrual cycle you are in. For example:
Follicular Phase | 1.9-12.5mL |
Mid-Cycle | 8.7-76.3mL |
Luteal Phase | 0.5-16.9mL |
Postmenopausal | 5.0-52.3mL |
High Results Indicate:
In men, high levels can indicate testicular failure, defects in testicular growth or testicular injury. In women, high levels can indicate menopause or primary ovarian failure.
Low Results Indicate:
Low levels of LH can indicate a number of disorders such as secondary ovarian failure, problems with the pituitary or hypothalamus in women.
The Progesterone Test measures the amount of the hormone in your blood. Progesterone is a female hormone produced by the ovaries and it’s essential for pregnancy. It prepares the uterus for fertilization and produces breast milk. The hormone also plays a role in sexual desire.
Why Do I Need It?:
Are you worried that you can’t have children? A Progesterone test can help find the cause of infertility, monitor the success of infertility medicines, and a multitude of other information to assess the ability to have children. It can also help diagnose problems with the adrenal glands and some types of cancer.
Other Relevant Tests:
Customers who purchase the Progesterone Test also consider the Basic Check-Up or upgrade to the Comprehensive Female Panel or the Female Health Profile.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Pre-Ovulation | Less than 1 ng/mL |
Mid-Cycle | 5 to 20 ng/mL |
Postmenopausal | Less than 1 ng/mL |
High Results Indicate:
Elevated levels could indicate adrenal cancer, ovarian cancer or pregnancy.
Low Results Indicate:
Low levels could indicate amenorrhea, fetal death or toxemia of pregnancy.
Prolactin levels are used, along with other tests, to help:
- 1. Determine the cause of galactorrhea
- 2. Determine the cause of headaches and visual disturbances
- 3. Diagnose infertility and erectile dysfunction in males
- 4. Diagnose infertility in females
- 5. Diagnose prolactinomas
- 6. Evaluate anterior pituitary function (along with other hormones)
- 7. Monitor treatment of prolactinomas and detect recurrences
Why Do I Need It?:
To determine whether your prolactin levels are higher (or occasionally, lower) than normal.
When you have symptoms of elevated prolactin, such as galactorrhea and/or visual disturbances and headaches; as part of a workup for female and male infertility; for follow-up of low testosterone in men.
Other Relevant Tests:
FSH, LH, Testosterone, DHEAS, Estrogen, Progesterone
Test Details:
Normal Range:
Adult Male | 2.0-18.0 ng/mL |
Adult Female Non-Pregnant | 3.0-30.0 ng/mL |
Adult Female Pregnant | 10.0-209.0 ng/mL |
Adult Female Postmenopausal | 2.0-20.0 ng/mL |
Stages of Puberty (Tanner Stages) Female Observed | 3.6-12.0 ng/mL |
Stages of Puberty (Tanner Stages) Male Observed | ≤10.0 ng/mL |
High Results Indicate:
Elevated levels may indicate hypothalamic disease, hypothyroidism, kidney disease or pituitary tumors.
Sex hormone binding globulin is done in conjunction with other tests to evaluate an individual’s androgen levels (male hormones).
Why do we need it?
This test is used to determine the cause of infertility, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and is used when testosterone values are inconsistent with clinical values.
The Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum with Total Test will determine the level of testosterone (free and total) in your blood.
Testosterone is a hormone (commonly produced in males, but is also in females in small amounts) that affects sexual features and development. Testosterone levels explode in men after puberty and continue to rise until 40 years old.
Overall, this test will give you a better understanding of how much testosterone is in your blood.
1. Testosterone Free
2. Testosterone Total
Why Do I Need It?:
If you’re taking steroids, a testosterone supplement, or any other anti‐aging medicine, you should consider Testosterone, Free (Direct), Serum with Total Test. These supplements promote muscle and bone growth, but too much can affect your body in other ways.
Test Details:
Normal Range:
20-29 years | 9.3-26.5 pg/mL |
30-39 years | 8.7-25.1 pg/mL |
40-49 years | 6.8-21.5 pg/mL |
50-59 years | 7.2-24.0 pg/mL/mL |
>59 years | 6.6-18.1 pg/mL |
Age | Male (ng/dL) | Female (ng/dL) |
1-5 mo | 1-177 | 1-10 |
Age | Male (ng/dL) | Female (ng/dL) |
1-5 mo | 1-177 | 1-10 |
6-11 mo | 1-10 | 1-10 |
1-5 y | 0-10 | 0-10 |
6-7 y | 0-20 | 0-10 |
8-10 y | 0-25 | 0-30 |
11-12 y | 0-350 | 0-50 |
13-15 y | 15-500 | 0-50 |
Adults | 241-827 | 14-76 |
High Results Indicate:
MEN: High levels can indicate testicular tumors, adrenal tumors or anabolic steroid use.
WOMEN: High levels can indicate Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or an ovarian or adrenal gland tumor.
Low Results Indicate:
MEN: Low levels may indicate hypothalamic or pituitary disease or damage to the testes. It can also indicate testicular failure or infertility.
WOMEN: Women should have low levels.